Monday, January 7, 2008

yep, this just happened.

No me gusta the HP and MV.
Have you looked at Hayden's hands?
She has midget hands.
So what's the big deal, you may say?
They are dudes. midget. hands.
She has dude midget man hands.
And she is 18 for Christ's sake.
MV went from Alexis Bledel to this ho?
What in the heck can they have to talk about other then Heroes, midget man hands and dolphins, which HP is trying to save but even the dolphins don't want her help cause of the midget man hands.
Freaks em out.
Throws off their sonar and shit.

Try saying midget man hands three times fast..

Source of the Carni


b. said...

what happened? you used to like the cheerleader! i think your're jeaalouuss.

Anonymous said...

One of these days I'm going to get motivated enough to transfer the footage of me and MV in a musical in fifth grade from VHS to digital and post it on the world wide web. You will like it!

NN said...

liking the cheerleader was so last year.