Sunday, January 6, 2008

Domestic Viloence- Hipsters Watch 2008 Continues...

more on the ANTM runner up and keyboardist to the Shins debacle..
Bring It

oh by the by, according to the Sewell, the douchster dropkicked her ass because she complained over having to carry three suitcases and some take out for the shinster to their hotel room.
I think ANTM might have made a crack about the shitsters tub and he flew off the handle.
have you seen the dude’s estómago? Looks like he ate some babies.
oh, and according to Ms. Sewell, this isn't the first time she has become this dudes ball buster.
i remember Sewell mentioning a break up a few years back cause the shitster cheated on her.
why did she take him back? i ask myself this same question.
so recap, the douche cheats on the runner-up, she takes him back, he's a short, fat, oompa loompa, with a terrible need to be the mayor of hipster village, who hits his girlfriend when drunk, ruins the first and second shins album, looks like a troll and doesn't like baby being put in a corner by his tall, thin, cupie doll looking, runner up of a gf, who at times can be pretentious and lame but does not deserve this shiznit.
oh and his music was present on the Garden State, of which I was not particularly fond of nor a fan of and have been told to go to hell for those very reasons.

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