Thursday, November 29, 2007

let's get to some gossip hmm..

It has been unusually quiet in world of gossip.
But I found some juicy stuff so let's get ready to gossipppppp........

Here are some interesting things you may not have known about 10 of your favorite celebrities.
I'll give you a hint, their family lives are just as f'ed up as yours.
Oh, and mine.
They Are Just Like Us

So Katie Holmes got a haircut and I ain't feeling it.
She looks like Suri.
Holmes premiered the look at a German awards ceremony where Tom received a trophy for killing Bambi's mom.
Dude, I knew the guy was evil but not to this extent.


Keri Russel is in Self's December issue.
This girl is totally, totally, totally rad.
I heart her mucho.
I want to be her friend and have her tell me what making sweet love to Ben Covington was like.
Is that weird?
Here are the highlights..

On her husband, Shane:

He asked me out for coffee, but we ended up going to this little Italian place in the West Village. I tell him now, 'You didn't seem interested at all!' I was thinking 'You're really cute. You seem cool. We're having dinner. This is so awkward!'

I had spent the whole day asking my girlfriends, 'Heels or flip-flops? What do you do on a first date? Do you do fancy? I don't know!' And they all had different opinions: "Definitely heels! Definitely flip-flops!'

And he showed up in workout clothes! He'd just come from a kickboxing class. Now he says, 'I was trying to act like I didn't care!' So it was a slow start.

When we met, he said he grew up on Martha's Vineyard, surfed and built houses. That is so much more appealing to me than, 'Oh, didn't you audition for that? Yeah, I remember you.' It's 100 times over more appealing.

I'm not just attracted to Shane; I genuinely like him. I'm interested in him. And I don't know everything about him yet.

He's the best guy. He really is. I wish I could clone him and give him to all my girlfriends.

On finding out she was pregnant:

We were in shock, but we were ultimately excited. Somewhere in us, we were ready for it.

On pregnancy moodiness:

There's one [tantrum] involving a pregnant woman looking for Taco Bell and not finding it quick enough. Shane knows what I mean, and it frightens him to this day.

On pregnancy myths:

They say you get crazy horny at the end. Um, no. Poor Shane. He kept reading the books. They said, 'By this point, you may be surprised how your pregnant partner is craaazy.' Shane was like, 'But it says...!' I was like, 'Really? Not feeling it.'

On her labor:

There was a harrowing cab ride from Brooklyn to the Upper West Side in rush hour traffic -- that definitely wasn't the most enjoyable hour and a half of my life. We almost didn't make it! That poor, poor cab driver, is all I have to say. And poor Shane. Shane lost about 10 years of his life in that cab.

On adjusting to her new lifestyle as a mom:

The hardest thing for me is learning how to manage my time. To delegate. I'm such a control freak and I want to be able to do everything myself. It's very hard learning to ask for help. I want to feel like I can do it all but I can't.

You can't work, keep the house clean, try to make dinner, be a good wife, try to look cute, buy your friend a birthday present and be a good mom. You need a little bit of help.

The best change has been being less worried about the way I look. You're just instantly less self-absorbed. Before, I was in the habit of straightening my hair, but now when I have 35 minutes to myself, I want to put it in a bun and go to sleep, or walk. There's no room, no time, no energy for vanity anymore.

Her body secrets:

I stayed really physical during my pregnancy. I stuck to my normal pre-pregnancy workout, minus the stomach exercises and twisting. I really felt it helped my whole well-being.

Ideally, I'd do Pilates, usually on the reformer, for an hour every other day. And I walked almost every morning in this hilly park near our apartment. I did two laps, or 20 minutes, at a pretty good clip, arms pumping, the whole deal. The nerdy mom walk!

I really felt pretty strong and energized until maybe that last month, and I felt great about my growing body. C'mon, I had boobs for the first time! Awesome!

I think I gained around 25 lbs. I haven't lost it all, but I feel good about the way I look. Things are definitely less toned now. Hello, flabby butt!

However, I do feel good about my shoulders and arms. All that baby lifting and carrying leaves you with some pretty toned upper arms.

I don't really have time for the workouts I did pre-baby, but I do walk everywhere. Not my focused power-walk, but a general, all-day, park-coffee shop-laundromat-grocery store-subway stairs walk, all while carrying a baby. Babies seem small, but I gotta tell ya, they get heavy after an hour!

And I still try to take a private Pilates class once a week. I do see some general toning. I'd see more results if I could make it more than once a week, but you know...

On eating habits:

It's hard to sit down and make a perfectly healthy meal with a baby who needs constant attention, so for breakfast, I put him in the sling and walk to the coffee shop, where I get eggs, toast, and salad.

At home, I just wolf down whatever I can find when he's sleeping. So it's like, 'What do we have? Cereal! And tuna fish! Great!' Or I'll eat last night's Middle Eastern takeout, cold.

I'm breastfeeding, so I try to eat something other than brownies all day. I attempt to incorporate healthy stuff. I take vitamins, and, thankfully, I actually started liking vegetables a few years ago.

Look, I'm naturally thin, so I don't have to work too hard at it. I love food, but I also love to work out. I think it makes everything work better. But I also think surrounding yourself with people who are cool helps. I have really great girlfriends, and no one's too hung up about that stuff.

On friendship:

My friendships are everything to me. I really put my relationship with my girlfriends as high as my relationship with Shane. There isn't just one person in your life -- there are many people who make up a great life and your love relationships.

On relieving stress:

Naps are the key to relieving stress. When you are working on two hours of sleep, the fact that cheese comes on something when you ordered it with no cheese is enough to send you crying under the covers for an hour.

Also, eating right. It's like, why am I so stressed out? Because I haven't eaten for six hours. So naps, eating right and laughing with my friends. I was getting a little down this summer and realized that I hadn't talked to my girlfriends in weeks. Especially when you get into this isolated family bubble, it's important to make sure that I'm reaching out and still engaging with them.

On her favorite chore:

I love doing laundry! It's so satisfying. I love the way it smells. I love doing the sheets. Shane's like 'You just did those last week.' And I'm like, 'News flash, most people wash their sheets every week.' So hilarious. I live with such a boy.

I go across the street to the laundromat to do my laundry, but in the new house we're going to have a laundry room. I'm so excited. All my friends can come over and do their laundry. It's a sliver of a room but it's going to be my favorite room in the house.

On being a child actor:

I had a nice experience as a young actor, but if River wanted to be on a TV show, that would not be happening. I think the whole kid actors thing is creepy city. It's creepy watching child actors speak. They're not acting like kids anymore.

I feel like I missed out on certain things, like sleeping in or messing up -- just things that teenagers or college-aged kids do in their social growth. When you're waking up at the same time every day and showing up to set, you never learn to fail. You're always just doing what's expected of you. And I think that being a teenager is doing something wrong and then going oh, right, that probably wasn't right.

So I think there are a few steps that you miss as a child actor -- and you see all these people who have just fallen apart.

Christina A-dog is on the cover of Marie Claire.
I think she's pregnant.
That or these pictures make her look real fat.
And naked.

It looks like I am not the only crazy that is believing in Jake G. being a gayo.
I guess he and Reece were on a flight and supposedly had sex in the bathroom.
Um, right.
I bet they found the same dude attractive on the plane and had to take a girl trip to the bathroom to discuss it.
Anywho, these ladies and gents ain't buying it either.
And that makes me feel better cause people are losing faith.

Random picture of Ryan Reynolds?
I hear you sister..


Ryan Gosling.
Just hearing his name is like eating the best Mexican food in the world or whatever.
I like him.
A lot.
I bet he smells good.
Probably not but a girl can dream.
Here's my boy at a special screening of Lars and the Real Girl.

Hot Piece

Another reason why I love the Conan...
Good Boy

Interesting article on Saturday Night Fever.
I don't doubt this.
Not one little, tiny, teensy weensy bit..

Madonna should be hated for a lot of things but to make your daughter look like a monkey meets wolf man is sick and wrong.
I am sure that Lourdes is not looking in the mirror saying, "I totally never ever want to have sex or friends. But I do want to be a freak show in my mom's perverse circus."
Yes that is a stache and a unibrow.


Okay and with that hairy beast, I bid you good evening..

Peaces Greases..

Cautionary Tale of Two Blondies 2.9

What did we learn from this episode?

Learned thing #1:
Raj is such a freaking douchey whiney bitch.
That guy would sell his own family out to The Company if they questioned his decisions, clothing choice or his random hard to place accent.
Let's catch up with this worthless piece of jerry curl.
Raj decides to go to the dark side and help Ned and Powder capture the Cheertator Tot.
By the by, Powder is Ned's "daughter."
Powder is the muscle for the ODB takedown and this ho better back the f off cause ODB ain't going down without a fight.
Neither am I Heroes writers. Neither am I.

Learned thing #2:
When will Cheertator, Mom with the Freaky Lip, Raj and the whole freaking nation realize what a straight up gangStar ODB is?
Cheertator isn't going anywhere damn it and decides to put her whole family at risk for David Copperfield.
Yep, Copperfield.
The dude that hasn't gotten laid in like ever and pretends to be the smooth operator but comes off as a desperate virgin, who can't drive.
Tator gets in a tiff with the man, the myth, and the legend by telling ODB she doesn't want to become his experiment and oh, that she hates him.
Straight up tells ODB that she hates him.
Um, hi, Claire?
My name is Reason.
Um, your pops has saved your ass about a dozen times, died for you once, had his memory erased, let you choose your family and your own adventure, got you a car and has tried to keep you from the bad people that want to make you into one of The Rage monkeys in 28 Weeks Later.
So, uh, try and recognize that you cannot roll with ODB and you will be regretting your obvious juvenile outburst later.
Anywho, Tator finds Copperfield and lays it on the line cause somehow in the period of like 3 days the two are in love and ODB is some evil stepmother that wants to keep them apart.
She tells him that she cares about him and isn’t trying to lure him back the man with the horn rimmed glasses.
Copperfiled tells Claire that he doesn't believe her and to go suck a dong.
Claire cries or some crap and mopes around in her cheer outfit.

Learned Thing #3:
So there was this one guy by the name of Anakin Skywalker.
He met some dude whose face got all melty and weird and had teeth that looked like Kramer in that Seinfeld episode where he had a cigar bar in his apartment for like 3 days.
Anywho, Skywalker was tempted by greed and power and ended getting burned alive and losing an arm.
Plus dude lost custody of his kids and had to speak through a vamped up hole in his throat.
Upside? James Earle Jones was his voice.
Point being, the dude got f'd by believing he was radder then he was and giving into power and greed that came along with his super radical Jedi power.
Not to ruin it but Skywalker bites the big one and all cause he switched to the dark side.
My point?
Porkman is heading to the dark side.
I see Porkman totally having to make a decision at the season finale between being good or being evil.
You see Parkman is using his mind reading power of persuasion ability to new extremes.
He makes Poltergeist eat her cereal and wish that one day her teeth will not totally engulf her whole face.
He also persuades Bitchy Petrelli to give up the whole kitten caboodle by naming a friend she swore to protect.
Things are looking real bad for the Porkman and for me who may have to see more then I wanted of this character for the remainder of the season.

Learned Thing #4
Hiro came back to the present and then left again to try save his pops life.
We learned that Mom of Hiro died, Hott Monroe killed papa Zulu and Hiro has now decided that he will avenge his father’s death by finding Hott Monroe and chop suey his ass.

Learned Thing #5
ODB is one bad mother f'er. But we knew that already so let's move on.
Powder, Raj and Ned have a plan to take the Claire and do something to her.
Maybe erase David Copperfield from her memory and those of the viewers at home?
ODB and Raj meet up in secret where ODB basically tells Raj that he is a complete and total retard and that The Company is totally brainwashing him.
David Copperfield, who has now teamed up with ODB after an after school special moment, stops ODB from shooting Raj and then helps him kidnap Powder.
Ned ends up talking CB into him kidnapping her when he shows up at her house after first trying to kidnap her at school.
Eventually the ying and yang fathers agree to exchange their daughters.
But not before Ned takes some of Claire's super blood and ODB tortures Powder with a bucket of water while divulging that Ned was not as great a pops as Powder thinks he is.
At the exchange, CB and Powder meet, David Copperfield grabs Claire and flys off with her and Raj, the stupid asshole that he is, fulfills Mr. Isaac's painting and shoots the ODB in the eye.
What the hell?
I mean why would one do that?
Honestly, how did Raj become a semi likeable character with a backbone to a totally worthless character with a jerry curl and no balls?
I had about 2 minutes of panic until the very end of the episode where we see ODB without shirt, lying on a gurney with a hole in his eye.
Attached to his arm is an IV with Claire's blood.
The whole in the eye regenerates and ODB pops up from the gurney and totally gangster style says, "Oh, shit."

Next week, I reach through the TV and kill Raj.
But not before kicking him in the balls just to see if he has any.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I Started to Vomit after Ricky Started to Cry. Again. PR #4.2

So the challenge this week was to design a two-piece outfit for a fashion
and pop culture icon that happened to be Sarah Jessica Parker.
SJP has a clothing line by the name of Bitten and I am still trying to grasp
why she named the line that and why the line is so, in a word, lame.
Anywho, the manifesto for the Bitten line is that great fashion doesn't have
to cost an arm and a leg and/or look good or fit well.
Well maybe just the first part.
Tim let's the kids know that they have to sketch something and present that
sketch to SJP.
SJP sees all the designs, gets a diss on a high five and then picks the 7
designs she likes the bestest.
The kicker?
The designers had to create a $40 outfit with a $15 budget.
The non-winners team up with the winners to be their bitches and uh, help them or whatever.

Few things:

I am not a fan of the SJP.

I am a fan of this beautifully fabulous dress she wore to the Emmy's like 4 years ago.
I am a fan of some of the non-Sex in the City dresses that she has worn
around about town.
I am not a fan of her thank you speeches at awards shows where she sounds
super fakey mcfakey and feigns modesty.
I am not a fan of her husband's turn from being my blueprint for a boyfriend
as Ferris Bueller to a sissy pants that wears corduroy and large V neck
sweaters to hide his oversized man belly.
However in this episode and with the good times that were Square Pegs, SJP may be
back on the non-shit list.
She was nice and funny.
Seemed a bit nervous and humble and looked decent.
I also liked that she didn't pick the kiss asses but took a leap of faith on more non-traditional designs.

2. I swear if Ricky or anyone else cries on the show again there will be hell to
Ricky will now be known as Ricky Crytardo.
Dude. What the heck is he crying about?
I mean do the producers kick him in the balls before one on one interviews?
Does he even have balls?


Marion is a complete and total douche.
First of all, I would never purchase or take fashion advice from a 40
year-old dude who straight up dresses like An American Tail's Fievel.
Second of all, dude this ain't a potato sack race mf'er.
This is Project Runway where you need to bring it and not cry about it later in your interview with Entertainment Weekly.
If you have not read that interview, please check it out
Here .

If you would rather not read the bitter ravings of a pasty man, here are some highlights:

"I design collections that are really deep and avant-garde, and there's a
lot of meaning and thought that goes into them. It's a lot different than
designing a $15 outfit."
"I think I was given my nightmare challenge, which would be designing a $15
outfit. I don't want to design a cheap, mainstream, budget-store outfit. I
wanted to go on the show to make delicate lace out of an 18-wheeler. I kind
of got screwed by the challenge."
"Christian and I come from the same thought of design. He and I are both
avant-garde designers. He might not admit to struggling with this challenge,
but I think we both struggled. It was WalMart, as in ''How many of those can
we sell?'' I don't see how my designs would fit into that kind of line."

Um, yeah.
So in order to prove how delicate, lacey and deep you are, you pick out
fabric that looks like a freakin burlap sack and cut 80's fringe on the
bottom of it?
Fievel, have you not seen Project Runway?
This is a reality television program where a designer wins some cash, gets some exposure, shells
for Saturn and then either falls off the face of the earth or designs for a
retail chain or online clothing store for a year. Nothing really deep and meaningful about that.
While in the competition, you got to work and create something awesome with what you are given.
How is it that most of the designers designed some really lovely things for $15 and
you came up with Lita Ford meets Pocahontas meets Captain Fringealot.
Don't be too disappointed for Marion though.
I hear that his sack dress interested the buyers for Chico’s.
Chico's = very avant-garde.


Is anyone else reminded of 3rd Rock from the Sun’s French Stewart when looking at Steven?
I think it's the squinting.
Is anyone else worried that this dude may go ape shit and hack at people with his scissors?
Just me?


Carmen like the Opera, Webber like the baller
Carmen was certainly playing up opera drama when she was asked who should go home for the hideous, totally 80's, Blade Runner meets a Beat It Video extra's jacket, created by Christian.
I mean squeeze a tear out or don't even try.
Go home and practice in the mirror or don't even bring it to the table.
Oh and FYI, Chris Webber ain't no baller sister so figure out a new catch
On second thought, just stop talking all together.


Even with all of his crying I liked Ricky fuchsia dress.
Very feminine and with the help of Jack not boring and not lingerie like and the fabric was perfect.
So eat it Marion.
I also loved, loved, loved Kit and Chris's black sweater thing with the pockets.
Very cute and I would purchase it at my local "budget store," so suck it Marion.


Victorya won which made sense.
She teamed up with non-gay Kevin.
I don't know if I was a fan of the vest, though I am not a vest person so
that makes sense.
I liked the color and the dress did not look like it was made from $15 fabric.
So eat a dong Marion.
Victorya is a super robot though and non-gay Kevin likes to take credit for things he did not do.
The dude kept saying thank you after SJP praised Victorya for her design and
for presenting exactly what she, Victorya, had sketched.
Settle down shorty, it ain't your turn.


I was impressed by Elisa's dress but not by her spitting on the fabric or
not knowing how to sew.
Also, the color was the same as last week.
Also, Sweet P is kinda rad.

Another episode ends and me no likey too much yet.
Oh and are capes in all of a sudden or is it me?

**SJP photo taken from Yahoo and French Stewart from

Monday, November 26, 2007

Heroes deep nerd out thoughts..with some spoilers so avert your eyes..

1. How was Twin Brother able to read that Sylar was un assasino when the news was in English?
2. Where did Junk in the Trunk think Twin Brother went after Sylar had his way with him?
3. I think Sylar has super butt power, which translates to Zachary Quinto being a Gay.
I ain't buying the love between him and Junk in the Trunk but found the sweet, sweet loving eyes between he and Twin Brother palpable.
4. Anyone else get that foreshadowing feeling when not one but two characters mentioned that the only way to kill Hott Monroe was to shoot him in the head?
5. Um, what happened to Porkman and watching Poltergeist?
6. What the hell was Junk in the Trunk smiling at when Sylar was obviously creepifying all over Poltergeist Toothy Grin?
7. I am kinda sad about this season possibly ending cause I'm kinda getting into the show, finally.
Did you hear that? Oh, it's just a nerd alert..
Also, two folks die next week?
Any guesses?


Monday, November 19, 2007

Sew Me What You Workin' With- EP #1

A thanks to Entertainment Weekly for the info on the designers and US Weekly for the images.


Hometown Annapolis, Md.
Résumé Newly minted design-school grad.
Fashion Must Amazing blazer
Tim Says! Of this season's youngest, ''it's seldom in my years of teaching
that I would say this, but Christian is a prodigy. He is a fashion

What I say:
Okay, so the kid has super, super craptastical hair.
He's bitchy.
He dresses like Buffalo Bill naked style in Silence of the Lambs.
His suit concoction was better on the model then off.
Do I like him?
The jury is still out and I give him half a douche.


Hometown Winchester, Va.
Résumé: Spent six years in Europe working as a...journalist.
Fashion Must Patent-leather ankle boots and colorful tights
Tim Says! ''She's dogged, determined, tenacious.'' Ahem, would that be code
for difficult? ''You'll see. You will see.''

What I say:
I liked her portfolio of designs.
I liked the dress she made.
I liked the little details like the bow on the arms.
But the ho whines and complains and that is going to wear thin on me.
She seems to be lacking in the personality department.
I give her half a douche.


Hometown Fairfield, N.J.
Résumé Learned how to sew from his aunt Ida and worked for cousin Susana
Fashion Must Cool vintage boots
Tim Says! ''He is very serious, sometimes too much so. I feel like
delivering that Nina Garcia line, 'Lighten up! It's just fashion!'''

What I say:
From his photo this dude looks like a douche.
He decided to tell everyone up front that he was not a homosexual but forget to tell them that he was a douche.
I do not remember his final design so that should say something.
I think they wanted to make this guy this years Jeffrey Sebelia.
Which he is not.
Not. Even. Close. Bud.
Plus he's short. That will play a part later.
I give this guy a whole douche.


Hometown Selden, N.Y.
Résumé Designed for Rugby Ralph Lauren and Searle.
Fashion Must A sweater-dress with colored tights
Tim Says! ''[Her aesthetic] is girly, flirtatious; not unlike Betsey Johnson
and Diane von Furstenberg, she's her own muse.''

What I say:
She irritates me from the frickin get go.
Could it be her Ogilvie Home Perm?
Or her choice of sweater dress and colorful tights as a fashion must?
Or was it her choice of culottes ?
Is it her all around demeanor?
I see bad things coming from this one.
Mark my words.
Mark em. Down. On a piece of paper.
I give this one a straight up douche award.


Hometown Tyler, Tex.
Résumé Has his own fashion collection, and a home-decor shop in Dallas.
Fashion Must Thin stretch suspenders
Tim Says! ''Designers design. If you can design a house, you can design
fashion. If you can design a table setting, you can design fashion.''

What I say:
First, what the heck is Tim saying up above?
Two, I don't remember anything about this dude other then he is 40, works at a flower shop and has had some surgery.
Serious, serious surgery.
Can't remember anything else.
So I give this one douche freedom until I see more to make a call or his face melts from the surgery.

KIT, 26

Hometown Los Angeles
Résumé Stylist with her own edgy line, Kit Pistol.
Fashion Must Balenciaga fringed scarf
Tim Says! ''She's had a lot of experience with clothes, so she knows what
looks good. She's a risk taker, which I applaud, but it also means you're at

What I say:
This one may get on my nerves.
She hasn't done anything that impresses me yet or pisses me off.
Her design was not one of my faves but I will let that pass at the moment.
I am not a fan of her use of pistol in her name.
I give her half a douche for the pistol thing.


Hometown Escondido, Calif.
Résumé Lingerie designer who worked on the sweet-nothing lines of Oscar de
la Renta and Vera Wang.
Fashion Must Gloves
Tim Says! ''Ricky understands construction ‹ lingerie is all about the
details, so he has that sensibility.''

What I say:
This dude does not look like he's 35, which works in his favor.
What doesn't is that he cried. About fashion.
I thought his lingerie dress wasn't bad.
It was a bit boring but they did ask for these folks to show their personalities.
So does that mean that he is boring?
He did recognize that he should have done a better job, so I give him some props for that.
However he gets half a douche cause he cried.
Over fashion.


Hometown San Francisco
Résumé Worked under a couturier in Paris.
Fashion Must Organic wool
Tim Says! ''The real success or failure of the challenge happens [during
fabric shopping] at Mood. Simone's textile aptitude is just especially well

What I say:
Total, total douche.
First off, snaggle teeth.
Second, snaggle brow.
Third, Simone Le Blanc? More like Si More Le Poo Poo.
Fourth, bitch acted like her designs and general way of life was all namaste and shit.
Girl, you are looking like your 50.
You got bad hair, bad brows and some bad teeth.
You made an ill fitting and ill-conceived frock paired with a jacket that looked like something a fourth grader designed for The Bratz collection.
So your ass got served and I am happier for it.


Hometown San Francisco
Résumé Costume designer whose worked with Cirque du Soleil and Madonna.
Fashion Must Bright colors
Tim Says! ''He can infuse clothes with whimsy, some Schiaparelli-like wit.
But where's the line between fashion and costume?''

What I say:
I am on the fence with the Chris.
His dress was better then I thought it would be.
However it also looked like it was choking the model and could have been purchased at Contempo Casuals.
He could surprise me but I wouldn't be upset if he got the boot either.
Douche freedom for now.


Hometown Charlotte, N.C.
Résumé Launched Sistahs of Harlem and coauthored T-Shirt Makeovers.
Fashion Must A multipurpose scarf
Tim Says! Big-personality alert: ''Let me put it this way ‹ if everyone were
Carmen, I would've run for the hills!''

What I say:
Me no likey the Carmen.
Her comment about how being a fashion designer was only natural because she was some unknown model was retarded.
Wearing clothes and then turning around and reviving the local puffy paint T-shirt kiosk at the mall does not make one a fashion icon.
Her personality rubs me the wrong way and it looks like Tim isn't a fan either and he loves everyone.
Well not everyone but not Carmen and I am cool with that.
She gets a total douche.

JACK, 38

Hometown Seattle
Résumé Focus on menswear, with a design stint at Tommy Hilfiger.
Fashion Must A sugar daddy
Tim Says! ''He's very adept at tailoring, which is certainly needed in
womenswear.'' Bonus: ''He's charismatic, funny, and incredibly likable.''

What I say:


Hometown El Paso
Résumé Avant-garde designer discovered by Vogue.
Fashion Must A great pair of boots
Tim Says! ''Her conflict was, Is this fashion or wearable art? She really
wanted to debate that. You'll see it on the runway and in the workroom.''

What I say:
This one is too easy.
What can I say that you haven't already thought of.
The color of the dress was great.
The rainbow of poo coming outta the bottom, not so much.
The fact is this chick is a loon and will stay around for the viewer's amusement.
No reason for any douche call cause she is in enough trouble as it is.

RAMI, 31

Hometown Ramallah, Jerusalem
Résumé Well-known red-carpet-gown designer.
Fashion Must Hot leather boots
Tim Says! ''His presence is like Cassie on A Chorus Line, like 'I can dance
circles around these people.' Guess what? The others are really good.''

What I say:

This guy can make a dress damn it.
And the boy can dress Cher.
But this guy is way full of himself.
Will he be a one trick pony?
Do I want to call him rama lama ding dong?
Already done.
I think this dude is in the running for America's Next Top Project Runway Winner.
I also think that this dude will end up being in the final four and end up getting the boot.
He is the one person I don't hate too much, so no douche for him.


Hometown Los Angeles
Résumé Designs for Harkham, previously for mall chain Bebe.
Fashion Must A dress
Tim Says! For the biker (she used to ride with Hell's Belles) and rabid
Sonny and Cher fan: ''It's always a matter of who she's going to be for this

What I say:
Eh on this one.
I like that she took her shoes of to run for the fabric.
Her dress, I don't remember.
I don't care either way though.
I will leave the douche call for a later date.


Hometown Chicago
Résumé Textile preparator at the Museum of Science and Industry.
Fashion Must A cardinal red trench
Tim Says! ''He could pierce the tension in the workroom with his levity.
Sometimes I'd say, 'Steven, don't you have anything funny to say?'''

What I say:
This guy is across between a mouse, Crispin Glover without the awesomeness and Milton Waddams of Office Space.
Dude has no personality whatsoever and seems so timid and weird.
He reminds me of Todd Cleary.
You know, the painting was a gift, Todd. I'm taking it with me.
Whatever on this one and his purple and pink polo’s
To the extreme.

I don't really love or even like anyone in the cast this season.
Last year I had favorites right off the bat and this year I am hoping that someone will come around and make be believe in Heidi and Tim's abilities.
I love me some Tim but if he had a hand in the casting he is going down with the frickin ship too.
I guess we shall see.
I did miss Michael Kors and his fake and bake.
I am hoping that someone stops the butchering of the catchphrase make it work.
Cause writing it on the dry erase board does not make it any less annoying.
Nina Garcia.
No. Mi. Gusta.
Heidi looks great for having 80 babies.
And, well, that's about it.
Till next week homeslices..

Three Words.

F. You. Raj.

Four months ago should have been the first episode of the season- #208

Dudes, this episode was pretty good.
I mean it isn't No Country for Old Men good, but still good..

Hottrelli and Hott Monroe, sitting in an abandoned warehouse, T A L K I N G.
Again with the not remember stuff.
Hott Monroe tells Hotrelli that the Haitian erased his memory.
He then tells Hottrelli that he can do what Monoroe can do and heal.
So he has to just heal his damn mind to get his memory back.
All he has to do is believe.
Actually he has to think of the thing that matters the most to him.
Taking his shirt off?
No, silly. But that comes later.
So Hotrelli thinks of Nathan and he starts to...remember.

(insert Wayne and Garth doing that doodle eee doo thing to turn back time)

Nate dog and Peter with the emo haircut are flying through the air a la last year’s season finale.
Emo Peter tells Nate dog to let him go cause he is going to explode.
So Nate dog does but not before getting totally f'd up during the explosion.
As Nate dog is falling through the air Emo Peter catches him and whisks him away.

Niki and Sol Glo at the hospital.
They find out that D to the L is going to live.
Remember Lindermann shot him?
You don't cause you don't really care about DL?
I feel you.
Anywho, he's cool and all and Niki is stoked.
Sol Glo puts some Aussie Scrunching Mist in his hair to get it extra curly for his Dad.
DL must be so proud.

Wonder Twins at the wedding of Bro Twin.
Junk in the Trunk is not happy with Bro Twins' choice of a wifey.
These two are weird cause their brother and sister but they seem like they are lovah's, I'm just sayin'.
Anywho, Twins get in a tiff and Junk in the Trunk takes a walk around the Universal back lot fashioned to look like a Mexican shantytown.
In her walk, Junk finds Bro Twins new bride making it with some dude.
She freaks out, makes the black goo come out of her eyes and basically kills everyone at the party.
Congrats on your wedding!!
Bro Twin freaks, Junk in the Trunk screams that she killed everyone and runs away, her ass following closely behind her.

Back to Emo Peter at the hospital where he dropped his Nate dog off.
Powder and Ned Ryerson are there.
Hmm, how convenient.
Powder drops Emo Peter all the way down to Chinatown.
Ned smirks as they whisk P-town away.

Peter and his really bad hair wake up to Powder all touchy on his junk.
Ned Ryerson makes the P-town feel bad for what he did to his brother and what he potentially did , to the whole world.
Ned tells Peter that he can help him by curing him of his super powers.
All he needs to do is hang out in a cell for a few months and take some pills.
Peter acts super emo and tells Ned that he'll do it, if only he can take his shirt off again.

Nate-dog and Bitchy Petrelli.
Kentucky Fried Nate Dog here.
Nate-dog has super burns all ovah is boday and a yellow contact in his right eye.
He looks like Freddy mixed with Jason mixed with Michael Myers mixed with Candyman.
At least he looks better then Bitchy.
Bitchy gives N-town the lowdown that basically Peter is missing and N-dog's F'd.

Niki, Sol Glo and D to the L.
Doctor tells Niki that all is well with the DL but is all well with her?
Ned, who seems to be the common link throughout this whole episode, shows up to sell his wares.
He tells Niki he can cure her if she hangs at his facility and takes drugs.
Kinda like what he told Peter.
Ned seems to be hitting up all the folks that helped save the world at the end of season one.
I smell a plot development here.
Niki says no thanks to the cell but yes to the pills.
Yummy, yummy pills.

Emo Peter becomes Hotrelli thanks to Powder.
I like the Bell but her portrayal of Powder is a little to cutesy wootsey.
Baby talk is the bane of my existence and I feel like she is bordering on it at every sentence.
Peter gets a haircut and a look of concern on his face as he sits in his cell.
Meanwhile Hott Monroe introduces himself through the wall and a dangerous friendship is formed.

Commercial for The Fog.
Who is afraid of fog?
I mean honestly?
Are you kidding me with this Hollywood and Stephen King?

Sol Glo, Niki and D to the L.
D to the L got a job.
Niki looks and acts all loopy.
Or maybe that's just how she is.
Sol Glo let's his hair air dry in the backyard.
It's his birthday and he got a buttload of curl enhancer.
D to the L is taking him out for the day
Meanwhile, Niki flushes the no-hero pills down the drain vowing to fight this on her own or whatever.

Hottrelli and Hott Monroe.
Hott Monroe blab cakes that he is sorry that Hottrelli has been through something awful and tries to gain his trust.
Once again Hottrelli trusts someone else.
Moving on to, Powder.
Hottrelli wants to get to know the woman inside the baby talk.
Powder explains that she lit her grandma's house on fire, had some other electrical problems, lived in this very building since she was sixteen and has never been on a date.
Virgin alert!
High five!
Hott Monroe warns Hottrelli to steer clear of Powder.
He also tells Peter that this cure that The Company has been preparing is a load of bunk and that Hotrelli like Hott Monroe is a prisoner.
Prisoner of hottness.
Hottrelli doesn't believe Monhottness, so Monhottness tells Hottrelli to ask Ned if he can roll out of the facility for a while.
Hottrelli's all, "I will."

Bitchy Petrelli and wonky eye Mrs. Nathan Petrelli.
Have you looked at this chick's eyes?
She doesn't blink.
She looks like she would wear a diaper and drive 1200 miles to some ho's house that tries to steal her man in order to murder her.
Anywho, Bitchy gets all mother knows best and basically tells Diaper Petrelli that Peter is as crazy as his pops, deserves some dignity and privacy and that Bitchy Petrelli wants her ass out.
In the nicest way possible.

Niki and D to the L.
Niki has a sales job.
D to the L is proud of her.
Little does he know that bitch is losing it.
You see, Niki has created multiple personalities to deal with her gift.
So, Jessica is gone and Gina is in.
Gina and Niki have it out.
Niki gets locked in the closet mirror again as Gina goes off to LA.
Meanwhile, Ali Larter is really showing the lack of acting skills here.
I mean I have tolerated a lot cause I think she is aight but tonight was bad.
Superbad in fact.
So bad that I would rather watch Sol Glo's hair dry then this girl read another line.

Hottrelli talks to Ned.
He wants to visit the family.
Ned says, uh, no and peaces out.
Hott Monroe explains that years ago he tried to take his powers public, to help people with his blood that heals.
He wants to save the world you see and save people.
He dangles using his healing blood power on Nathan to Peter and Peter takes the carrot.
How did all these people get so dumb?
I mean do you lose all your smarts once you get these powers?
What a dumbass.
A hott dumbass but still a dumbass.

D to the L.
He's a firefighter.
Um, as a brilliant lady pointed out to me, do they just hand out firefighter jobs to peeps nowadays?
Anywho, DL saves some folks using his powers covert style,
It's all over the news when he gets home and Sol Glo is stoked.
DL thinks to himself if only I could burn off your hair Sol Glo, all would be all right.
Then DL finds out that Niki has bounced to LA.
Does he use his power of deduction?
Nope, she left a note in lipstick on the mirror.
See, not so smart.

Hottrelli and Powder.
Hottrelli seduces the shit outta Powder for what?
Cause this doesn't help escape at all.
But whateves. It was nice to see Hottrelli be a sex kitten for two seconds.
After Powder leaves, Hottrelli blabs to Hott Monroe that it has been a few weeks since he stopped taking the concoction of pills and he is ready to bust outta there.
So they do.
Hott Monroe following Hottrelli through the concrete in a sorda gay way but not gay.
So The Company are dumbasses too?
Cause how did they figure putting Hottrelli next to someone as dangerous as Hott Monroe and not assume that they would escape?
Cause that just makes an ass outta u and me and The Company.

Wonder Twins.
Sister Twin is literally a sister.
She is hanging at some church trying to cleanse her soul of the poo that comes out her eyes.
Uh, I don't think that is going to happen.
Bro Twin finds her and brings the Po Po along.
Nice bro.
Anywho, Sister Twin freaks out and the black crap takes it's vengeance on all in the church.
Bro Twin figures out that Sister Twin was not some psycho killer and has shit coming outta her eyes.
He grabs her hands and poof; they realize he has a power too.
Anyone else sick of these two and find no redeeming quality in their powers?

Gina AKA Niki at some club ho'ing it up.
DL finds her.
How I don't know.
Gina is dancing with some douche and DL teaches the douche a lesson.
Well, the douche is packing heat.
Douche shoots DL in the head or heart as they pan away only showing Niki with blood on her face.
So she basically killed her husband.
And not with her bad acting.
Well, maybe with that cause it's killing me.

Months later.
Sol Glo is going to stay with Grandma Ohura, Good Burger cousin and Smirky Face cousin.
Ned comes the funeral to pick Niki up to got to the facility so that he can use her to kill the other Heroes with her super human strength and bad acting.

Hottrelli and Hott Monroe.
Monroe injects his blood into the bag of stuff attached to Nate-dog.
It is totally working.
However the two escapees have been had.
Powder and the I like them black, white Puerto Rican and Haitian.
Hott Monroe gives Hottrelli a passport and a promise to meet in Montreal as they part.
Hottrelli is being chased by I like them black, white ,Puerto Rican and Haitian.
He jumps over a fence and... loses his shirt.
Nice one Heroes.
Then he finds himself in a giant cargo container.
Nice one Heroes.
Then I like them black, white, Puerto Rican and Haitian have it out.
The Haitian handcuffs Peter to the cargo container, erases his memory and gives him that cool gold necklace with the F on it.
But before all that happens The Haitian explains that he is doing this for Peter's own good and because Bitchy Petrelli helped a brother out.

End cakes:
Nate-dog is all better as Bitchy enters the hospital room.
Or is he?
Is Hott Monroe's blood evil too?
Cause you know he's been talking to Evil Kentucky Fried Petrelli.

Wonder Twins and Sylar.
Junk is in lurv with Sylar.
Sylar is thinking about brains.

Niki checks into The Company.

Nate-dog goes to find Hottrelli.

Hottrelli remembers everything.

Hott Monroe enlists Hottrelli to save the world..

Saturday, November 17, 2007

High fives...

Good times everyone..
Do It

Thursday, November 15, 2007

His name is Blane? Oh! That's a major appliance, that's not a name!

Good evening.
How are you kids?
I hope you all watched Project Runway.
I got some ideas about this season.
I'd like to share later if you wann hear what I gots to say.
How bout sharing some gossip?

Speaking of Project Runway, Nina "Bitchtastic" Garcia writes a blog on Bravo.
She had an interesting conversation with Elisa that I thought I would share with you.
If you don't watch PR or know whom the hell I am talking about, skip this.

Want some baby photos of ladies who just had babies?

First, we have the lovely Keri Russell and baby River.
Super cute and I adore.
Her husband is a hott piece so this all seems to work out.


Next we have Isla Fisher who gave birth to baby Olive.
One pic with and one pic without le baby for your viewing pleasure..


What the F is going on with Jake and Reece?
Jake is gay right?
I mean that is all I hear.
And I hear a lot.
I actually read a lot because I live a sheltered life of broken dreams.
In this fine report from Popsugar, Jake and Reece are seen making out in a cafe of sorts.
What the heck?
Why am I being misled?
When will my gossip tales come true and homeboy will come outta the closet?
Anywho, here's the deal..
Come out Come out

Natalie Portman is on the cover of In Style.
She talks about a bunch of crap.
I am still on the fence with this girl.
I mean she dresses well and she is lovely.
But I find her lame and intrusive.
I also feel like she might wear dirty underwear.

Every year the Golden Globes pick a Miss Golden Globes to pass out the statuettes and smile and wave and make everyone watching hate her cause she probably is super lame and makes me want to vomit. These girls are the offspring of famous folks.
This years Miss GG is Rumer Willis.
It is unfortunate that Rumer Willis has the chin that she does cause otherwise she would be a pretty gal.
But she does have that shelf underneath the bottom of her lip and I will guarantee that plastic surgery will play a part in her future.
Gaze upon the chin of despair..


Speaking of despair.
The more I read about Keira Knightley, the more I loathe her.
She = lame.
In this article, lameo is touting the amazingness of fellow person I loathe, Sienna Miller.
Knightley, Kiki Fangerton and Crotchtastic Miller are on my list.
The Shit List to be exact.
Read it and weep for humanity..

Sorry for the poo.
Let me make it up to you.
Here are some photos of some people..

Hugh Jackman looking hott, hott, hott.

Ms. Portman dressing as nicely as I mentioned before, at the premiere of Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium.
This movie kinda looks like, um, doo doo.

Angelina and Brad.
Beowulf premiere.
Have you seen the trailer for that film?
The dude says that he' s Beowulf like a thousand times.
Dude, I got it. The first time.
Also, Angie looks older.
I fight wanting to like these two cause they get on my nerves.
But I like them minimally.
At least they’re not on The Shit List.
I think the Beowulf guy is.
Yep. He is. Totally.

Ryan "Stupid Face" Phillippe
This guy reminds me of the pseudo boy band/crossover rapper who wants to be hard but also taken seriously by crying.
This whole thing about him throwing up after his breakup with Reece and not being able to get outta bed is a bunch of shit.
Listen, don't cry for me Argentina.
You made your bed.
With another lady.
So I see no reason to pity you other then your failed career and that really bad facial hair you got going on.
And I don't pity you for those reasons. I laugh. I laugh like jolly fat man.
Also, he looks like he wears dirty banana hammock chonies.

Gwen, Kingston, Gavin, in order of importance.
Don't get me wrong, that Gavin is a hott piece.
But what has he done for me lately?
Also, is Gwen wearing stretchy pants?
Stretchy pants = The Shit List.
I'm just sayin.

One who can kinda do no wrong for me = Xtina.
She can sing and she married a dude who most girls would shun.
I mean the dude looks like a woodland creature with a bad tooth to overbite ratio.
Not into it. Not me, not on my watch.
I was thinking how long before Christina get the baby's ears pierced if it's a girl.

Finally Kate Bosworth and that hunk she is dating.
She came close to making The Shit List.
But she started eating, got a good looking dude and has stayed on the other side of the street when she sees me coming.
All told she has gotten in my good graces.
She looks good here.
Her dude is lookin even better.

All images were pulled from Us Weekly and I thank them for that.

Defamer has their Privacy Watch.
Harrison Ford and the whore that stole his soul were seen in Newport Beach.
If you could see me, I am throwing out the gang signs of the rich NB homies.
Yay yayeee,
Don't Look In Her Eyes Cause She Will Steal Your Soul Too

No Privacy Watch would be complete without Gawker's Gawker Stalker.

Okay my peeps I am out.
Project Runway update soon..

Peaces Greases.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Time is Not on Heroes Side #207

So I understand that naked Peter was a big part of last week’s episode.
But he isn't a piece of meat.
He's a piece of man meat.
Some sweet, delicious, man meat.
If you read the interview with Heroes Creator Tim Kring, it looks like the he and the writers understand that these last six episodes have kinda blown doors down so man meat was apropos.
I guess I should recap the rest of the show cause some cool crap happened.
I guess.

I liked it when Porkman was Felicity's funny buddy Sean Blumberg.
Blumberg who lived in a loft and had dreams of making cashola while Hott Town Ben Covington slept in a room he never paid for if only with his hotness.
But as Porkman, I gotta say, he aint doin it for me.
He has that constant wide eye stare accompanied by a whine that grates at me and a stomach that looks like he ate that baby that his wife on the show was impregnated by another man with.
Make sense?
So Porkman and The Man Without a Face Patrelli (MWAF) arrive at The Company to warn Ned Ryerson that he is F'd.
Get it?
Cause Ned is next to die due to the red F on his picture.
Or is that an S?
For now it's F cause I want the joke to work.
You see, I'm a joke maker.
Anywho, Raj, Ni with one K i and Ned sit in a room as Porkman and MWAF Petrelli warn them of Papa Porkman's arrival.
Raj wants to take Ned far away from here but Ned ain't havin it and wants to have Papa Porkman taken down with the virus goo and wants Porkman to handle it.
You see, Porkman has the same abilities that Papa Porkman does but he doesn't know it.
Ned wants Porkman to take his pops down, have Raj inject the virus into Pops and then have Raj cure Pops of his ills.
Porkman believes this all to be impossible.
So he goes and cries it up to Poltergeist Molly, who is in a coma cause of the Porkman..
He tells her that he is sorry for asking her to find his da-da and for not taking her to a dentist to have her teeth filed down.
Then Porkman tells Poltergeist that he loves her and he does it with his mind!
Poltergeist blips on the monitor that is monitoring her which encourages Porkman to tell her he loves her again and asks if she can hear him.
It looks like Porkman can be just like his Pops except hopefully not all psycho and poo.

MWAF and Ned have some time to chitchat while Porkman is apologizing and professing his love.
MWAF snoops around Ned's office and sees boxes with dead peoples names on it, like Linderman and Mr. Sulu.
MWF asks Ned about these folks and the box with the non-dead Adam Monroe.
The same Adam Monroe that left Peter that note from last week that said that The Company were a bunch of phony's and no trusty.
Ned explains that Adam is a mystery wrapped in a puzzle wrapped in an enigma.
Basically Adam was the leader of the pack and he got a little overzealous and then tried to kill everyone.
So the Heroes locked his ass up and he escaped and is now exacting his revenge on those that did that thing that they did.
Ned explains that Adam is the puppet master and Pop Porkman is his fat little balding puppet.
Nate Dog tells Ned that they deserve what they get, to go to hell and die and that he doesn't give a crap.
Ned tells Nate Dog that he should give a crap cause of Peter.
Peter, Ned says, is ALIVE.
Dun, dun dun...

Peter and Chipmunk.
Apocalypse Now, NYC.
Dudes come in HAZMAT suits.
Peter has a sweet, sweet shower scene.
Super naked style.
This lasts for many, many minutes.
Then many more minutes cause I rewound the DVR like 8 times.
Peter is being hosed down to decontaminate his hott body from the VD that he might have gotten from that Irish chipmunk.
Actually there was a serious plague in future NYC by the name of the Shanti Virus.
Does that ring a bell?
Yep, you guessed it, the very one that The Company is all hopped up on.
Peter learns this from some dude in the know who has a badge who also tells Peter that Peter died back in the day.
The dude then shows Peter some dead bodies through a window that has a biohazard sign at the bottom corner.

The same biohazard sign that ODB finds in a painting done by Mr. Isaac of Peter looking at dead bodies through a window with a biohazard sign at the bottom of it.
ODB looks through the paintings and calls up Raj.
ODB's all, "Yo, has The Company given you a gun?"
Raj is all, "No, what the f dude?"
ODB explains to Raj that one of the paintings shows Raj with a broken nose and holding a smoking gun.
Raj gets all offended and Ni with one k i walk in.
Raj hangs up the phone but not before telling ODB that he loves him and hopes that he will be on the show forever.
No, that did not happen but I f'ing hope that it does.

Claire Bear.
CB wakes up by picking up her phone to find a text from David Copperfield.
Dude. This guy is fucking creepazoid.
I mean he doesn't eat, sleep, brush his hair or use deodorant!
Anywho, dude asks if the C-dog wants some breakfast cause he happens to be downstairs hanging out with CB's Mom with the F'd up Lip.
CB flips out and tells homeboy that he can't do that shit.
David Copperfield gets all sad and spazzy.
DC says something about wanting to be part of Claire's life and that she can no longer look, speak or acknowledge just about anyone cause he is all she needs.
Or did I think that is what he said?
Claire takes the beating, says she's sorry and they eat some waffles or whateves.
Years later, CB and DC have that stupid ass Garden State moment, where they share CB's ear phones and make out.
As this happens ODB comes on home, looking heavy cause he is worried about freaking dying.
DC sees, "the man with the horn rimmed glasses," and freaks out on Claire.
Then he fly's his ass on out CB's backyard and hopefully our T.V. viewing for the rest of the season.
Laters, Mom with the Freakish Lip let's the cat outta the bag about CB and David Copperfield.
ODB flips out, tells the fam that they need to roll outta Cali cause peeps will be after them.
CB gives ODB the finger and whines that she will never go with the family, NEVER, NEVER!!!!

We will end this recap with four things.

1. Bitchy Petrelli shows up in the future to help Peter... remember...
And he does.
Sorda. I mean he remembers her and how to keep his shirt on which I think is lame.
2. N i with one k and an I thinks she's cured but she isn't.
She sees D.L. and f's up the whole Papa Porkman fiasco by attacking everyone with her super human strength and then to stop herself, injects herself with the goo virus.
And Raj being the douche that he is cannot cure Niki cause his blood doesn't work.
He also decides to tell The Company about his work with ODB that he will help The Company find the Claire cause her super regeneration power may be able to save N i with one k i and others who will be infected by the goo virus.
What. A. Douche.
3. Porkman saves the day by trapping his dads in his own nightmare and pulling Poltergeist Molly back to reality.
4. Hiro leaves the pretty, pretty princess and returns to the pretty, pretty MAndo. MAndo tells the H-town that pops is dead and the world is in some chaos.

Next week..
things are explained.
and to think that Heroes is actually getting pretty decent and could possibly be ovah until next year makes me sad.
Sad until next week when I see the mandatory Peter Hottrelli without his shirt off.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Hey dudes..
Don't forget November 14 is the season premiere of Project Runway and I need it. Big time.

Also, a little interview on EW with Heroes series creator Tim Kring.
Kring bascially aplogizes for some of the douche of this season and also drops the bizomb that December 3 may be the season finale for the show due to the strike.
I am bummed and I spit in your general direction Kring.
Not really, I mean the dude does have a point and he seems super cool but a whole five months with no Heroes?
What is a nerd like me gonna do?
Oh that's right, blog it up on the Project Runway tip...

I will leave you with an updated list of everyone that Winona Ryder has Dry Humped Yep, geerosss.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Satan's School for Girls

Lucy the Daughter of the Devil.
Gosh darn it!
So freaking good.
Last Sunday's Episode in case you missed it, which you shouldn't. Ever.
The video has a break, so be sure to watch the second half or I will put conditioner in your eyes.
So awesome. So, so, so awesome.

Outta Touch Outta Time and I'm Going Outta My Head When ODB's Not Around: 207

I have some observations based on this last episode so if you haven't seen it, um, avert your eyes..
1. Powder is straight up Ned Ryerson's daughter.
2. I think Ned is pulling the old fast one on everyone and is working in conjunction junction with Hott Kensei who is now Hott Adam.
I think that the goo that Ryerson says is the powers repression virus that Raj's blood can cure but doesn't was supposed to not work in order to have Raj lure Claire outta hiding.
Ned needs the Claire for some dastardly plan to work.
I think Ned has always known that Raj is working with ODB and either wanted to pit Raj against ODB or figure out another way to straight up murder ODB’s ass.
Which won't happen, not on my watch.
Ned is a sneaky dude.
Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
3. I think I like black, white, Puerto Rican and Haitian erased Peter's memory.
Peter is going to be a pawn in this whole virus-unleashing thing.
Ned has his hand in this as well.
4. Princess Pants will be back before day's end or whatever.
5. Sylar may not get his powers back but because he knows how things work he will be able to pit the Heroes against each other.
6. I think Porkman has grown a vagina.
7. Daniel Day Lewis will win the best actor Academy Award for There Will Be Blood. I'm just sayin'.

I am gonna recap sooner rather then now.

Dudes. So. Much. Happened.

But I will leave you with this..

No More Yanky My Wanky

Hi kids,
I hope you all are well.
I have missed our time together.
Let's get to some gossip eh..

Tyra Banks has been talking about vagina on her show.
I know, I know how can five head talk about vagina when she obviously doesn't have one?
Well she is.
Here is the info..

The lovely Cate Blanchett is totally preggers with her third kid.
I heart the Cate mucho.
The sequel to Elizabeth not so much.
But she's my ho for sure.
Here are some photos of Ms. Cate with Giorgio who ain't so bad himself..


Shia LaBeouf was arrested at a freakin' Walgreens on November 4 for being disruptive.
Star magazine reports that Shia is losing control and it's because of his broken heart.
Homeboy is losing control cause he's like 10 and making millions of dollars and he's the Sofa King.
Thanks to You Tube, SNL and NBC for clip.
Thanks bitches, thanks.

Want a Michelle Williams update?
I like the girl.
I mean when she was with The Heath she kinda creeped me out cause she never spoke a word and would hold on to him for dear life.
But she was on The Creek and she has been the only one who has done very well for herself post-dawson.
I mean don't get me wrong my heart will always be with Pacey but being Diana Krugers boy-toy aint really cutting it.
Anywho Michelle was interviewed by the Spanish Edition of Vogue and People has the scoop.
Added bonus?
A photo of The Pacetown and his woman in case you don't know who the hell she is cause I really don't either.


Wanna end this gossip session with a photo of a pregnant chola?
Do you?

This burned my eyes so I'm just passing on the pain.

I heart you all mucho..
Peaces Greases.