Friday, February 6, 2009

Make me a bicycle clown..

So Christian Bale went all Joan Crawford on some poo poo dude on the set of Terminator Salvation, which everyone heard, commented and made fun of, and then made the next logical step and re-remixed the tantrum.
And then.. Christian Bale called into the Kevin and Bean show on KROQ in LA to say he had a bad day.
Yeah, no and then.
So this was semi-cool but still.
Look, I have had a hard-on for Bale ever since Empire of the Sun, where I dreamed he would look past my Ozzy Osborne hair, headgear and lack of boobage.
But now I am kind of over him.
He is super high maintenance.
Bale is that "actor guy."
You know the one who takes himself and his "craft" way too seriously?
No mi gusta anymore.
And you know what CB?
I don't like your Batman voice, or your strange capped chomper lisp or the obvious bullshit that was Harsh Times.
Harsh. Times. Was. A. Peace. Of. Diarrhea. Homes.
Yeah, that's right Bale, I am just not that into you.


Let us play separated at birth...

Nelly Furtarded..

Jude Law in drag for a new movie..

Am I right?