Monday, October 29, 2007

I Burn Irish Dudes and I Walk the Line Behind ODB and his Bad Assness..Recaplets

Brief recap cause I skipped last week and it will take, like forever to write a recap and I know you wanna get to the good stuff..

Last Week:

You Gotta Fight for your Right to Burn Irish Dudes to a Crisp: 205

Raj and Porkman are have a luvah's quarrel over Molly and her catatonic state.
Raj blames Porkman and wants to take Molly to a hospital.
Porkman wants to find Father Porkman to make this all worthwhile.
Porkman finds Pop Porkman with the help of Man Without a Face Patrelli.
Pop's and Porkman do not have a happy reunion.
Poppa Porkman traps Porkman and Man Without a Face in some nightmare land and escapes.
Porkman and MWF escape but vow to find the fucker.
Porkman and MWF also find a photo of Ned Ryerson with the F thing on his face.

Sol Glo's Super Cousin.
Super Cousin talks about Jesus and does this weird thing with her mouth.
She also, with the help of Sol Glo, figure out her power.
Sol Glo and Super Cousin take a day to do some double dutch, learn kung fu and then Super Cousin gets an offer from Raj that she can't refuse.

Meanwhile back at the docks in ye old Ireland or whatever..
The traitor from the Irish Gang is all talks with Veronica Mars.
Veronica is looking for P-town.
Traitor spills the beans and gives up P-town all shacked up with Chipmunk.
Veronica sasses the traitor, walks away but not before she shows her supah power..
Veronica Mars is straight up Powder...

Chipmunk's Irish Bro-town.
Tells Peter that Powder is looking for him.
Irish bro-town will deal with Powder and asks Peter to go and hide in a deluxe flat in the sky with the lady C.

Peter and Chipmunkland.
So in love.
Makin' out.
Peter tells chipmunk that she is all he needs, he is not going to open his box and blah blah, let's go hump.
Then he opens the box.
All he finds is a one way ticket from San Francisco to Montreal, his passport and some cash.
Wah, wah, blab, blab, blabcakes.
Chipmunkland tries to calm P-town down with her luck of the Irish.
P-town is more interested in using her paints then her...
Peter paints a swell picture of he and the Lady C in front of some place in Montreal.
Powder shows up and asks Lady-C's bro where P-dog is.
He lies.
She burns him to a crisp.
Later, Powder talks to her dad on a cell phone that looks way to big for her face.
Daddy gets all pissy at what Powder has done and takes her off the magical mystery tour.

Ando Looks Good in a Suit.
Gets some scientist dude to reveal the missing letters from Hiro's scrolls.
Story goes, Hiro, Hottpants Kensei and The Princess are en route to save the Princess's dad.
Huge army between them and daddy White Beard.
Only the three of them to fight the humongotron army
Then the story ends and the scientist needs more time.
Cliffhanger and one only hopes that this plot line jumps up a notch cause I am in snoozeville..

And now...Recap #2 cause I lagged again and with a new episode tonight I don't want to lag anymore since this show may not be here much longer with the strike and all..

Walkin' The Line: 206


The Lady-C and Patrelli Pants.
We have had only an episode between the death of the her bro, the head of the leprechaun gang and the Lady C is ovah it.
All is fine and dandy as Peter apologizes and vows to find the person who killed Everlast.
He must go to Montreal cause that is what was in his drawring.
The Lady C wants to help.
P-town protests but Lady C reminds him that she is in that painting too.
Oh and she wants to be there when he finds whoever did this to her bro cause she wants to kill the bitch.
Lady C, hiding those chompers for some fangs, nice.
Can I tell you though, this ho is getting on my nerves.
The accent, the overly curled hair, her wide nose.
All of it.
I am finito.
Please. Kill. Her. Off.
So flash forward to Peter and Lady C going to Montreal.
They find themselves at the door that is in the painting with the S symbol thingy on it.
By the by, P-town looking hott. Wearing a black trench coat and some nice pants.
Also, I applaud the person who told ol' Pete to cut that emo hair of his.
Anywho, when the Lady C and P-town enter the room there is like a ton of crap in it.
One piece of crap has a note to Peter.
The note is from someone named Adam Monroe and basically tells P-town that The Company is evil and the world is in muy peligroso.
P-town freaks out and Lady-C gives him a hug and with that the two time travel to Times Square dateline Apocalypse Now.
Wait, didn't this happen last season already or..

CB at cheerleading tryouts.
The girl who probably tried out for the Claire character but didn't get it due to her looking 30 instead of 16 and who has a pan face and an all around annoying disposition tells Claire she ain't got it and to get outta town with those moves.
Claire says bring it and they have a dance off.
I kid.
Claire's gets all squinty with an I'm gonna get you sucka face and whines to creepy boyfriend that ODB will have her head for lying about getting into cheerleading.
So creepy stalker boyfriend, who I have decided totally reminds me of David Copperfield and will now be deemed so, tells Claire to stop with the brattitude and get back at the bitch.
The two come up with a plan that plays out with Claire coming to the Toro's practice, as the faux Claire is getting drunk, yep I said drunk and asking if she can speak with the ho loner style.
The Ho agrees, the two have a stare off as David Copperfield comes flying through the air, grabs C-dog and drops her to the ground.
C-dog lays there all Humpty Dumpty style.
David Copperfield then attacks the drunk ass and she runs screaming.
Two seconds later as the cops arrive to question the Head Ho, Claire shows up and asks what happens.
The Head Ho looks in amazement and the cops decide that this girl to toe up and needs AA immediat monte.
Claire gets put on the team as the Head Ho gets kicked off the team and will be in B-show hell por vida.
Meanwhile, does anyone get the feeling that David Copperfield spells trouble for Claire and the she is totally F'd and not in the good way?

Super Cousin and Raj.
Doin some gymnastics.
Super Cousin, I mean.
Raj is all, you are fabulous.
Super Cousin makes that weird lip action thing and then wants to go home.
Ned cruises in.
He wants to talk to Raj in private.
Ned wants Raj to inject Super Cousin with some crap that will suppress her powers and make her a nobody.
Raj flips, throws a chair, destroys the vials of anti-hero goo and declares that he will be taking Molly home.
Years later, Ned and Raj have a heart to heart.
Ned tells Raj that he was outta line and he doesn't want Raj or more importantly Molly, to roll out.
Raj tells Ned he can't trust him.
Ned says he will have a partner for Raj that will be a mediator and allow Raj to do his work as well as keep The Company's interest.
The mediator ends up being Niki who probably is Jessica and you know she going to kick some ass...

ODB and I like em black, white, Puerto Rican or Haitian, end up in Russia with some dude named Ivan.
Ivan has a family and a life.
He also works for The Company and therefore is evil.
He also seems to have trained ODB.
ODB threatens to erase Ivan's memory of his family and life in general if he doesn't tell ODB where the Mr. Isaac's paintings are.
Ivan tells ODB that he should join The Company again, all is forgiven and he can get his life back.
Long story short, Ivan caves, ODB straight up murders his ass and then finds the paintings.
I will say I was super bummed that ODB killed the guy.
But ODB is a bad ass and he ain't got time to bleed.
ODB and The Haitian go to a warehouse and find some paintings.
With the help of my friends at Television Without Pity the paintings show, "a hand with a vial, a blonde woman who appears to be trapped, Hiro and Kensei fighting, a guy who might be Peter or Sylar who's holding a smoking gun, and Bennet's own painting."
ODB again asks what does it all mean.
I ask the same freakin' question and with this strike happening I better get some answers soon or the Heroe's writers will go the way of Ivan.

Hiro, Hott Kensei and Princess Pants.
Rescuing Princess Pants' pops.
Pops tells the Hiro and Hott-town that the army has guns and they do not stand a chance.
Hiro tells Pops that Hott Kensei can handle it and they are off to battle.
But Hiro fucks up, stops time, declares his love to the Princess and makes out with her in full view of Hott Kensei.
Hott Kensei confronts Hiro.
Hiro apologizes, tells Hott Kensei that it means nothing cause the Princess is his Hott Kensei's hott piece and that Hott Kensei needs to still save the world.
Hott Kensei says word up, knocks out Hiro, takes Pops and Princess Pants hostage and joins forces with the evil Japanese dudes with guns.
Good one Hiro. All this to lose your virginity. Nice, you douche.

Finally, Sylar, Junk in the Trunk and Twin Brother.
They get across the border but not before Junk in the Trunk makes the border patrol get all black in the eye which creates mutiny between her brother, herself and Sylar.
You see Sylar made Junk use her power against the border patrol dudes against the wishes of Twin Brother.
Once across the border, Junk and Twin Brother fight it out with Junk leaning towards the angel that is Gabriel.
Junk excuses herself to get something to clean up Sylar's boo boo.
Sylar and Twin Brother have a pissing contest where Sylar basically spills the beans that he will be killing the twins once he gets his power back.
He also growls that Junk is his pawn and that until he gets his power back he will be using hers against the world in general.
This is all excellent and helpful knowledge for Twin Brother to know.
Except Sylar laid his plan out in English and Alejandro only speaks Spanish.

Next week...
A full recap!

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