Tuesday, November 6, 2007

No More Yanky My Wanky

Hi kids,
I hope you all are well.
I have missed our time together.
Let's get to some gossip eh..

Tyra Banks has been talking about vagina on her show.
I know, I know how can five head talk about vagina when she obviously doesn't have one?
Well she is.
Here is the info..

The lovely Cate Blanchett is totally preggers with her third kid.
I heart the Cate mucho.
The sequel to Elizabeth not so much.
But she's my ho for sure.
Here are some photos of Ms. Cate with Giorgio who ain't so bad himself..


Shia LaBeouf was arrested at a freakin' Walgreens on November 4 for being disruptive.
Star magazine reports that Shia is losing control and it's because of his broken heart.
Homeboy is losing control cause he's like 10 and making millions of dollars and he's the Sofa King.
Thanks to You Tube, SNL and NBC for clip.
Thanks bitches, thanks.

Want a Michelle Williams update?
I like the girl.
I mean when she was with The Heath she kinda creeped me out cause she never spoke a word and would hold on to him for dear life.
But she was on The Creek and she has been the only one who has done very well for herself post-dawson.
I mean don't get me wrong my heart will always be with Pacey but being Diana Krugers boy-toy aint really cutting it.
Anywho Michelle was interviewed by the Spanish Edition of Vogue and People has the scoop.
Added bonus?
A photo of The Pacetown and his woman in case you don't know who the hell she is cause I really don't either.


Wanna end this gossip session with a photo of a pregnant chola?
Do you?

This burned my eyes so I'm just passing on the pain.

I heart you all mucho..
Peaces Greases.

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