Thursday, November 15, 2007

His name is Blane? Oh! That's a major appliance, that's not a name!

Good evening.
How are you kids?
I hope you all watched Project Runway.
I got some ideas about this season.
I'd like to share later if you wann hear what I gots to say.
How bout sharing some gossip?

Speaking of Project Runway, Nina "Bitchtastic" Garcia writes a blog on Bravo.
She had an interesting conversation with Elisa that I thought I would share with you.
If you don't watch PR or know whom the hell I am talking about, skip this.

Want some baby photos of ladies who just had babies?

First, we have the lovely Keri Russell and baby River.
Super cute and I adore.
Her husband is a hott piece so this all seems to work out.


Next we have Isla Fisher who gave birth to baby Olive.
One pic with and one pic without le baby for your viewing pleasure..


What the F is going on with Jake and Reece?
Jake is gay right?
I mean that is all I hear.
And I hear a lot.
I actually read a lot because I live a sheltered life of broken dreams.
In this fine report from Popsugar, Jake and Reece are seen making out in a cafe of sorts.
What the heck?
Why am I being misled?
When will my gossip tales come true and homeboy will come outta the closet?
Anywho, here's the deal..
Come out Come out

Natalie Portman is on the cover of In Style.
She talks about a bunch of crap.
I am still on the fence with this girl.
I mean she dresses well and she is lovely.
But I find her lame and intrusive.
I also feel like she might wear dirty underwear.

Every year the Golden Globes pick a Miss Golden Globes to pass out the statuettes and smile and wave and make everyone watching hate her cause she probably is super lame and makes me want to vomit. These girls are the offspring of famous folks.
This years Miss GG is Rumer Willis.
It is unfortunate that Rumer Willis has the chin that she does cause otherwise she would be a pretty gal.
But she does have that shelf underneath the bottom of her lip and I will guarantee that plastic surgery will play a part in her future.
Gaze upon the chin of despair..


Speaking of despair.
The more I read about Keira Knightley, the more I loathe her.
She = lame.
In this article, lameo is touting the amazingness of fellow person I loathe, Sienna Miller.
Knightley, Kiki Fangerton and Crotchtastic Miller are on my list.
The Shit List to be exact.
Read it and weep for humanity..

Sorry for the poo.
Let me make it up to you.
Here are some photos of some people..

Hugh Jackman looking hott, hott, hott.

Ms. Portman dressing as nicely as I mentioned before, at the premiere of Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium.
This movie kinda looks like, um, doo doo.

Angelina and Brad.
Beowulf premiere.
Have you seen the trailer for that film?
The dude says that he' s Beowulf like a thousand times.
Dude, I got it. The first time.
Also, Angie looks older.
I fight wanting to like these two cause they get on my nerves.
But I like them minimally.
At least they’re not on The Shit List.
I think the Beowulf guy is.
Yep. He is. Totally.

Ryan "Stupid Face" Phillippe
This guy reminds me of the pseudo boy band/crossover rapper who wants to be hard but also taken seriously by crying.
This whole thing about him throwing up after his breakup with Reece and not being able to get outta bed is a bunch of shit.
Listen, don't cry for me Argentina.
You made your bed.
With another lady.
So I see no reason to pity you other then your failed career and that really bad facial hair you got going on.
And I don't pity you for those reasons. I laugh. I laugh like jolly fat man.
Also, he looks like he wears dirty banana hammock chonies.

Gwen, Kingston, Gavin, in order of importance.
Don't get me wrong, that Gavin is a hott piece.
But what has he done for me lately?
Also, is Gwen wearing stretchy pants?
Stretchy pants = The Shit List.
I'm just sayin.

One who can kinda do no wrong for me = Xtina.
She can sing and she married a dude who most girls would shun.
I mean the dude looks like a woodland creature with a bad tooth to overbite ratio.
Not into it. Not me, not on my watch.
I was thinking how long before Christina get the baby's ears pierced if it's a girl.

Finally Kate Bosworth and that hunk she is dating.
She came close to making The Shit List.
But she started eating, got a good looking dude and has stayed on the other side of the street when she sees me coming.
All told she has gotten in my good graces.
She looks good here.
Her dude is lookin even better.

All images were pulled from Us Weekly and I thank them for that.

Defamer has their Privacy Watch.
Harrison Ford and the whore that stole his soul were seen in Newport Beach.
If you could see me, I am throwing out the gang signs of the rich NB homies.
Yay yayeee,
Don't Look In Her Eyes Cause She Will Steal Your Soul Too

No Privacy Watch would be complete without Gawker's Gawker Stalker.

Okay my peeps I am out.
Project Runway update soon..

Peaces Greases.

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