Tuesday, December 4, 2007

fashion giant who has a wife with a midget sized personality- PR #4.3

So this week’s challenge was to create a three-piece outfit for former NFL dude Tiki Barber.
Tiki is a correspondent on The Today Show and would wear the winning piece on air.
The designers shit their pants cause most have never designed menswear and the ones that have, have little experience.
Except for I'm Not Gay Kevin who thought he had this one in the bag.
By bag, I don't mean gay cause Kevin isn't gay.
Did you know that?
The super fabulous twist was that the designers were randomly assigned male models.

Anywho, this challenge was, in a word, craptastical.
Slave labor midget mole people children, who have not seen the light of day, are blind, deaf and dumb, had to have made the poop that came down that runway.
I mean what the heck bro.

The only saving grace was Kit, who I have grown fond of.
The girl can sew, create some sweet designs, dresses well and is all around a swell gal.
She also seems to be less drama and I just read that she is a stylist over at E!, so that's cool, I guess.
I'm going to give her thumbs up.
Her suit looked good on the model and was three pieces as was asked for by the Tiki.

Jack ended up winning the challenge.
His two-piece, not three mind you, stripetastic suit was okay.
It fit the model well but I was not having the stripes.
Tiki was cool with it and really what does he know.

I mean he basically told all of America that his wife owns him.
She picks out his clothes.
Hold up, I'm paraphrasing.
Tiki said that he and his wife go shopping and she helps him.
Helps him spend his money on crap that she picks out and he shakes his head in a yes fashion, in fear of being beaten.
I only make this assumption about the wife cause she, Ginny, showed up later in the episode to pass judgment on the designers.
Christian said she was fabulous and tan.
He also shared that he loves Asians and that they are fierce.
I would and will totally agree on that front.

Anywho, Ginny Barber is a straight up tool.
There is nothing going in that old noggin.
Woman looked like someone just woke her ass up, threw on some overly expensive and unattractive dress on her and pulled a string to make her talk.
I fell asleep during most of her airtime but I woke up when she got to Carmen.
Somehow the thing that died in Ginny came alive and the fierce that Christian mentioned was awakened.
She ripped Carmen and her design a new one.
Straight up called Carmen's jacket a Members' Only replica.
Now if Carmen were dressing a dirty hipster, this would be a good thing.

This episode did show the designers personalities a bit more and that was refreshing.

Christian has seemed to lose the ability to walk from his apartment to Parsons so Jack carries him as part of his man bag.
I thought that that was kind of cute.

Sweet P could not design a freakin man's shirt but girlfriend tried and I dig that.
Being that Victorya and Carmen, who were as unfamiliar with men's wear as Sweet P, asked if they could use Jack's pants as a pattern and Sweet P just went for it, gives her an extra gold star.
She kinda got reamed on the runway but took it in stride and was in complete agreement with the judges.
Me likey that Sweet P.
Good name too.

I'm Not A Gay had to mention that he was not gay, again.
Most of the dude designers were beyond stoked to have the male models walking around half naked.
But Kev had to point out that he was not interested.
Thanks for clearing that one up moron, I don't think we heard you the first 1,000 times you said it.
Me no likey the Kevin.
Or his stupid goatee face hair thing.
He looks like the ugly one in a boy band.

Elisa is a complete and total prude.
She tells her model to undress as she turns her back as not to look at his hott piece.
She explains to the viewers at home that she has been with the same dude for a while and only has eyes for his sweet bod.
I bet they met at the Ren Faire.
Probably over some mutton and ale.
He in his natural leather sandals, blowsy shirt, leather vest and snug fitting pants, without pockets if possible.
She in a blowsy dress and flowery headband with her tatas hanging out, ready to play some D & D.
Me throwing up in my mouth a little and holding myself in the fetal position waiting for the Ren Faire to pass through town and not rub its cooties on me.

As I said before Jack won.
Kit was in the top with I'm Not Gay.
Sweet P, Ricky Crytardo and Carmen were at the bottom.
Crytardo did the unexpected and cried but was spared.
The dude took way too much on even enlisting the help of his model to finish the outfit.
However the design was not as bad as say, Carmen's.

Um, yeah.
That thing was all kinds of bad.
The design was not that cool either.
Did you catch that?
I made a joke and a call on Carmen at the same time.
High five!
Did I mention that homegirl forgot to make the frickin shirt?
Anywho, CW got the boot and I can't say that I'm bummed.
Now she can go back to that deluxe kiosk in the sky and design some t-shirts for the masses.

With that, I bid you goodnight.
I also would like to apologize for the Ren Faire comment.
I totally didn't mean to give you all nightmares.
The Ren Faire is like that clown in IT for me dude.
For reals.
Peaces Greases..

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