Saturday, July 26, 2008

How Do You Say... Poop?

I'm going to come right out there and say it.
This season's Project Runway sucks big giant hairy donkey balls.
It is mucho, mucho terrible to the tenth power.

I mean just a load of crap.
I am truly, truly vexed folks.
It has been increasingly difficult to muster the wherewithal to write about Project Runway this season.
I just used some big ass words so you know things suck.

The designs are not blowing me away by any means.
There is not one person to like and so, so many to loathe.
Stella needs to burn in leathah hell.
Korto is poo face all. the. time.
Daniel's taste is at the high end of shit.
I want to straight up pull and Ivan Drago and break you Kenley.
Joe is a complete and total ignorant doucher.
Third Person needs to take his ginormous tard of a personality and jog on.
Leanne is lacking anything close to a personality let alone some serious cojones.
Keith reminds me of someone not to leave your children alone with.
Jerell wears a freaking Peter Pan hat, is annoying as hell and designs such pieces of crap that even his model cannot keep a straight face wearing his clown clothes.

The only saving grace is Terri because her designs are pretty descent and her vocabulary is off the freaking hook.
An honorable mention goes out to Blayne, cause he is straight up crazy and knows it, his designs are so bizarre and awful they make me chuckle and anyone who calls Stella a leatha face receives a get of jail free card from me.

Mind you I am not the only one who thinks this season is shit.
Us Weekly interviewed last year's winner and my own personal bodyguard Christian Siriano, on what he thought of this year's crop of crap.
Siriano said, "They kind of annoy me this season! I actually met everyone, and they're all great, but I just really don't know about the clothes this year. Maybe I just need to see more episodes — then I'll really judge!" He added that there's no "Rami, or Gillian [last season's finalists]. I felt like a lot of our cast members were a little more up to par than what I've been seeing, but we'll see! I hope it gets better."

I wonder if maybe this season is purposefully crappy cause PR is moving to the ovary stripping channel next season and they are giving an F U to Bravo.

I am just disappointed that they are giving me the F U too.
I don't deserve this shit Bravo.
You better man up, get some better episodes or I will be peacing out and watching reruns of Michael Phelps and those other dudes rule it in the 4 x 100 relay, cause that shit is for real, real, real, real, real!

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