Saturday, January 19, 2008

Don't mess with the bull, young man. You'll get the horns.

You want the good gossip or the bad gossip first?

We will start with the bad..

Lily Allen has had a miscarriage.
That blows.
More info can be found here

Looks like Nicole Kidman sucks as a mom.
According to this dude who wrote a tell-all book about Tom Cruise, Nicole could care less about her adopted children, Isabella, 15, and Connor, 12.
I dunno, I am not a Kidman hater.
Tom Cruise.
That is a whole different story.
I loathe him.
But Kidman seems like she cares about her face, being that she is addicted to the botox, so why not her kids?
Hold the phone.
Side bar: Have you seen Kidman lately?
Her face is starting to scare me big time.

I hope she doesn't blame the new baby about her failing face.
Anywho, the whole story is here for your perusal.
Photo borrowed from

Amy Winehouse is a crack smoking chicken head.
Well maybe not that last part.
The Sun, the British tabloid that broke the Kate Moss coke snorting story of the year, has photos of Wino smoking crack.
Yes, crack.
I suppose this all makes sense.
Wino looks tore up, is hurting in so many directions and reminds me Ms. Crabtree on South Park.
If you would like to see the self destruction that is the Wino, you can read about it Here
Whitney ain't got nothing on this one.

**Ms. Crabtree borrowed from Wikipedia, The List of Staff and South Park Elementary

This may be bad bews for you but good for me.
If you have read this fine blog, you may have noticed that I have a trifecta of hate for some Hollywood ho-bags.
The hate has grown to a fivefecta.
Not a word, I know, but in my land it is.
As you may know, Kiki Fangerton, Kate I Loathe You Hudson and Gwyneth Pooptrow were the original trifecta.
Added to the list were Eva Longhoria and Sienna Run of The Miller to create the fivefecta.
Well, I now have a sixfecta by adding Katherine Heigl to the ever growing list.
This girl is a piece of fucking work.
I mean you don't get on my list for nothing..
Her many offenses include: The props she gave to herself for coming to the defense of her friend T.R. Knight when he was outed and dirty name called by his costar, the bitchy correction of the announcer who said her name wrong at the Emmy's, the TMI in every interview, the diss of the movie and television show that made her a star and of course her husband that totally wears makeup and looks like a woodland creature with
severe chest hair.
I see her career, as well as the others on the sixtecta, going the way of the Pooptrow and her hospital visit last week.
Reading between the lines, the shitter people, the shitter.

Photo of the chest hair borrowed from People.

Now on to happier news.

Looks like Scarlett is getting hitched.
According to the New York Daily News via Dlisted, ms. thing and the man with the abs of steel, are planning to make it legal.
If I were Alanis I would be losing it in a corner and then write a song about it and then get all Lilith Fair on Johanson.

Tomorrow the Academy Awards will be announced and it looks like the strike could be over

Finally, I leave you with some tips from Dr. Steve Brule. Enjoy, be happy and peaces greases..

1 comment:

b. said...

damn that's some sweet tender lovin' gossip, girl. my favorite, "Sienna Run of the Miller". not cuz i hate her, but i'd be willing to just to call her that.