Sunday, January 6, 2008

Eye Thought This Episode Would Be Crappy But It Actually Was Sweet Like Candy #4.6

This week's challenge found the kids creating a garment out of whatever loot they pocketed at the Hershey's Store in Times Square.
At first, I thought this challenge was complete and total garbage.
I mean crap.
Like someone ran outta ideas and was driven to boozing one night, then in a fit of alcoholic "clarity" came up with this gem.
Anywho, at the Hershey's store the designers had five minutes and zero budget to grab what they could and design fabulousness.
First off, the Hershey Lady was super freakin creepy.
I tend to despise folks who use "company kid speak" when speaking to adults.
Like you meet someone who works for Disney and they tell you to have a supercalafragalistic expialadocious day or whatever the hell.
This Hershey lady says something like a have a super ooey gooey chocolateey fun day or some shit and it annoyed the hell outta me.
Moving on, the designers get back to the school of design and get their ooey gooey on.

Christian of course comes up with something super badass.
I mean the dude has no shame and his designs don't either.
This thing was dope.
Christian took Reese's Peanut Butter Cup holder thingy's and created a gorgeous brown halter creation.
He made a freakin hat and bracelet to match.
Plus he was done in like five minutes.
I loved it, the judges thought it was aiight and Christian moved on to the next round.

Chris did a faboo job too if only cause he could have gone carni style and didn't.
Homeboy took Hershey pillows and Twizzler pillows and created a tube dress with the Hershey and Twizzler logos interspliced on the front of the dress.
I was happy to see that Chris took the judges advice last week and didn't go all bozo the clown.
The judges agreed, Chris stays, and that can only make me happy..

Kit made a punk rock shirt and skirt outfit.
The top was made from Kit Kat labels.
See, cause her name is Kit and she branded the outfit with her name all ovah it.
She used Hershey Bar covers for the skirt bottom.
This wasn't my favorite but the design showed creativity and hard work and I like the girl so me gusta.
The judges gave Kit a high five and she will live to see another day..

At first I thought Rami's creation looked like a futuristic, Blade Runner, vinyl ho-town dress.
After a second look, I thought it looked like a futuristic, Blade Runner, vinyl ho-town dress.
But his piece was really detailed, fit the model perfectly, and he made a freakin clutch outta candy, that after a third look I could not help but love the ho-ness of it.
The judges agreed and Rami was the winner!!!

Is she awake most of the time?
Can she emote?
Am I picking on her?
However as I have mentioned before, the girl dresses well 50% of the time and each week her designs continue to impress so that gives me some leverage.
This week it looked like curtains for our little poodle but she proved me wrong again.
Girlfriend made a bodice and skirt outta Twizzlers.
Except the Twizzlers kept falling off the skirt.
After much whining on her part, irritation on my part, and help on her model's part, Jillian's creation made it down the runway without a hitch.
The piece looked pretty rad so I guess I'll give her a semi-five, until next week when she will drive me to fits of rage again.

Homegirl is loopy, right?
Little did I know that the lady got hit by a car and was in a freakin coma for weeks.
Not to say that that is why she is the way she is but I'm sure it didn't help.
Yes, yes, I am totally a heartless bitch. I look at this as taking one for the team because I am sure you all were thinking the same thing so don't judge me.
So Elisa created a dress that looks like un grand piece of poo poo, no?
This thing was a disaster.
If she took the shiny armband pieces perhaps it would have looked better.
Actually no, no it would not have.
It would not have at all.
I will not go further because I don't want to bore you more then this dress did me. Aww snap!
The judges were in agreement, thought the dress was as crappy as I and millions of Americans did, and finally gave Elisa the boot.
Namaste Elisa, namaste.


Sweet P is nice and all but she second-guesses herself and the stuff she makes ain't passing the muster.
The first dress she made in this episode was pretty awesome.
I liked the pieces of the glass on the bodice and the materials she picked were a hell of a lot more interesting that what she ended up with.
But as per usual she changed her mind and in Tim's words creates a dress that looks like a maxi pad.
A maxi pad.
That is the lowest compliment of lowest compliments.
Not a tampon or a panty liner but a maxi pad, the dinosaur of feminine sanitary products.
Sweet P you totally got burned by Tim.

Roboticon Victoryacon has lost me forever.
No me gusta.
This creation was just a piece.
You know why it didn't work?
Cause girlfriend is completely and totally void of any emotion and is absolutely uninterested in people or life in general.
Did you see the way she made her model walk down the runway?
Totally how the peeps on her planet walk.
You gave yourself away Roboticon Victoryacon.
Game over man, game over.

How absolutely cuuute is Zac Posen.
I lurv him.
I wanted to take him and put him in my pocket.
(image borrowed from

This challenge ended up being one of my favorites.
Not because Elisa was booted you vultures but because the designers showed the viewing public what they could do with out of the box materials and also what they were made of.
Balls to the wall folks.

Next week, Ricky Crytardo cries.
I for one cannot wait.

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