I've missed you all so much.
So, so, so much.
And since our last meeting, so, so, so much has happened.
Christian won Project Runway and is a huge success and everyone wants to be his BFF por vida.
The win was well deserved cause the dude brought it like the Rancho Carne Toro's.
I mean, the mini man made Victoria Poo Face Beckham smile.
One should win the Purple Heart for that shit.
I like this PR win and am very happy about it..
If you are feaning for some more of the feirce, check out his website
Rumors are swirling that Bradical and Angelinical were married in New Orleans.
But they didn't.
So, no story there my friends.
If you would like to read about the non-marriage, check it here
Have we talked about George Clooney's gf?
I'm sure we have.
Have we talked about how she's kinda, how do I put this nicely, Pretty Woman without the snappy comebacks cause she has the personality of paper?
Well, gather around children and talk of the Sarah shall we?
Girlfriend used to live it up in Vegas until my main man Cloonester took her out, dressed her up, got her a passport stamped with countries other then whoresville and made her somewhat respectable.
Now we all know that it would only be a matter of time until someone would release photos of Sarah in black, thigh high boots, a pink shrinky shirt that looped into a short black skirt that put the ho in whore.
Okay, so not really, but close enough.
To see Sarah prior to her refwhoremation, check this out
Orlando Bloom is dating a pretty lady.
The 411 is this way
I got some sweet Privacy Watch for you right here my friends
A little blurb went out a couple of days ago that the Ryan Phillippe and Abbie Cornish are with child.
Who is Abbie Cornish?
Oh just the girl that broke Reece Witherspoon's back.
The dirty bird that is Phillippe has been with a lot of the ladies during his marriage to the Witherspoon, but this one drove Reece to divorce court.
Anywho, the Cornish is laying low and the original blurb was taken down.
But leave it to Defamer to keep the gossip flames burning and post this
Me gusta la Defamer muchismo mas.
How bout a photo sidebar..
Jessica Alba is ready to pop.
I about lost my shit when I saw this dress.
What the hell is this she is wearing?
**Photo provided by Celebutopia
Fergie turned 33 this last week.
Um, girl has got to be 50 something.
I mean, she peed onstage people.
Peed onstage = Depends = Fergie 50 not 33.
**Photo provided by Celebutopia
The Stefani's out and about.
Cammie D has gotten fuglier.
I mean, girl is not aging well at all.
Am I right or just mean?
**Photo provided by Celebutopia
Finally, Suri and Shiloh.
I see cutting and teen pregnancy in their futures.
That is all for now my homies..
Later skaters..
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
You know, GOB, you might want to start acting like the President. You're beginning to alienate some of the employees.
Hi folks.
Let's catch up shall we..
Academy Awards were last weekend.
Marion Cotillard.
I love, love, love, amour d'amour, amour d'amour her.
Her dress was utter perfection and to be honest only she could have pulled it off..
Her speech for winning Best Actress was honest and lovely and I think she is the shit.
Stare at her..
Um, also, not only is this lady a babe but her boyfriend is a stone cold fox.
His name is Guillaume Canet and he is a frenchy, an actor and he's hot.
I have placed some photos of them for your perusal..
Yep, they are totally making out in the second one..
**Photos provided by IMDB and the fashion spot..
Daniel Day won for best actor and I was happy.
His shoes stick out like a sore thumb but whateves.
His wife looked like she purchased her dress at Craptastical Patchwork of Poo R Us, but I still love the bitch.
**Photos provided by IMDB
Tilda Swinton was the surprise win.
What did not surprise me was the terrible, terrible potato sack of goth she wore.
This made up for it..
**Photo provided by EW and Jezebel
My Javier won for Supporting Actor and he = rad.
He looked good, said some truly beautiful shit in Spanish during his acceptance speech and drank Pacifico's with his Penelope at the after party.
Good form Javier..
**Photo provided by People
Who looked good you asked?
I must say there were only a few.
Garner cleaned up nicely.
I don't like the bottom of the dress too much.
But from the waist up, she looks decent.
Don't get all crazy.
I still don't like her.
I am sad to say that Ben not being there has not put any more of my faith in their marriage.
But whateves let her have a life.
And if things don't work out with Ben, there is always Gary Busey.
I liked the Swank dress too.
You know, I have never found her to be funny or thought her personality was all that fabulous.
However, her banter with Seacrest Out was pretty good and she did not seem all fake and bake.
So I'll give her a high five and walk away in hopes she doesn't ruin it by not thanking me in a Oscar winning speech.
My BFF Keri Russell looked pretty faboo.
Her man love was with her and that always makes me happy.
She was very witty and funny during the Seacrest Out chitchat.
But she always is.
As usual Keri = awesome.
**photos provided by People
The bad were bad.
Cami D looked like poo.
Girl, brush your hair and take an f'ing shower.
It is not difficult.
You turn the water on, pour some shampoo on your hand; rub your hands together and then put that on your hair.
Then you use this thing called soap to clean off the stink.
If you cannot do that, you cannot function in life and I bid you good day.
Ellen. Page.
No me gusta.
She looked old, uncomfortable, unhappy and outside the cool boundary.
She is too young to look fug.
Speaking of outside the cool boundary, Diablo Cody.
Look, I've decided that I just don't like the girl.
From her suffocating girl love for Page, to the constant reminders that she was a stripper, to the vagina high leopard dress, to the awkward, "I just won the science fair prize," speed walk off the stage after winning the Oscar, which, by the way, will lead to her sure fire demise.
You see she didn’t have to be a stripper to pay the bills.
She did it cause she wanted to be clever.
She didn't have to wear the vagina high leopard dress.
She wore it to fill the "cool" indie writer against conformity role.
She didn't have to release her nudie pics online.
She did it cause she's a douche and realized that her reputation was getting a bad rap cause she dissed Stuart Wiseman and won an Oscar which in turn labeled her a sell out.
Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on the chick.
So I will let Andy Samberg do it for me.
I love me some Andy.
I don't love me some Cody.
P.S. My post on Diablo Cody = meow.
**Photos provided by People and Just Jared
Moving on...
The season finale of Project Runway is this Wednesday.
What has been missed?
Crytardo got the boot.
Then he came back on the reunion show and looked like a complete and total asshole.
A PR viewer wrote in and asked why in the hell Crytardo cried like a freakin river.
Crytardo made some call about women crying all the time or whateves and I hoped that somehow, someway, Crytardo would implode.
Sweet Pea got the boot as well and I was happy.
She really needed to get the fuck out.
She whined and babied her way through every challenge and stressed me out during the process.
The woman has no backbone.
Until the reunion show where she basically told everyone how rad she was and how celebrities think she is the shit and I wished somehow, someway, Tim would cut the bitch.
And then there was Carmen.
Girlfriend was bummed cause no one missed her and everyone and their mom dissed her talent.
She cried a lot, made weird painful faces and gave Heidi lip.
I was hoping that somehow, someway Santiago would come out on the runway, throw some water on Carmen and watch as she cried that she was melting, melting..
Finally Victoroboticon.
This one is a piece of work.
All I have to say is what Heidi had to say, "Victorya is a little uptight, no?"
Christian won the fan favorite and $10,000.
Michael Knight brought the check out along with the 25 pounds he has gained since last season.
This week’s show was Part 1 of the finale.
Rami, Christian, Chris and Jillian were the finalist.
Until Chris showed Heidi, Michael Kors and Nina his collection of, "I make dresses for old ladies using velvet and human hair."
Come on Chris.
You needed to bring it and you brought Chico's.
So Rami, Jillian and Christian are headed to Bryant Park and the winner will be revealed next week...
That is all I have and I don't have anymore.
Until next time, peaces greases..
Let's catch up shall we..
Academy Awards were last weekend.
Marion Cotillard.
I love, love, love, amour d'amour, amour d'amour her.
Her dress was utter perfection and to be honest only she could have pulled it off..
Her speech for winning Best Actress was honest and lovely and I think she is the shit.
Stare at her..
Um, also, not only is this lady a babe but her boyfriend is a stone cold fox.
His name is Guillaume Canet and he is a frenchy, an actor and he's hot.
I have placed some photos of them for your perusal..
Yep, they are totally making out in the second one..
**Photos provided by IMDB and the fashion spot..
Daniel Day won for best actor and I was happy.
His shoes stick out like a sore thumb but whateves.
His wife looked like she purchased her dress at Craptastical Patchwork of Poo R Us, but I still love the bitch.
**Photos provided by IMDB
Tilda Swinton was the surprise win.
What did not surprise me was the terrible, terrible potato sack of goth she wore.
This made up for it..
**Photo provided by EW and Jezebel
My Javier won for Supporting Actor and he = rad.
He looked good, said some truly beautiful shit in Spanish during his acceptance speech and drank Pacifico's with his Penelope at the after party.
Good form Javier..
**Photo provided by People
Who looked good you asked?
I must say there were only a few.
Garner cleaned up nicely.
I don't like the bottom of the dress too much.
But from the waist up, she looks decent.
Don't get all crazy.
I still don't like her.
I am sad to say that Ben not being there has not put any more of my faith in their marriage.
But whateves let her have a life.
And if things don't work out with Ben, there is always Gary Busey.
I liked the Swank dress too.
You know, I have never found her to be funny or thought her personality was all that fabulous.
However, her banter with Seacrest Out was pretty good and she did not seem all fake and bake.
So I'll give her a high five and walk away in hopes she doesn't ruin it by not thanking me in a Oscar winning speech.
My BFF Keri Russell looked pretty faboo.
Her man love was with her and that always makes me happy.
She was very witty and funny during the Seacrest Out chitchat.
But she always is.
As usual Keri = awesome.
**photos provided by People
The bad were bad.
Cami D looked like poo.
Girl, brush your hair and take an f'ing shower.
It is not difficult.
You turn the water on, pour some shampoo on your hand; rub your hands together and then put that on your hair.
Then you use this thing called soap to clean off the stink.
If you cannot do that, you cannot function in life and I bid you good day.
Ellen. Page.
No me gusta.
She looked old, uncomfortable, unhappy and outside the cool boundary.
She is too young to look fug.
Speaking of outside the cool boundary, Diablo Cody.
Look, I've decided that I just don't like the girl.
From her suffocating girl love for Page, to the constant reminders that she was a stripper, to the vagina high leopard dress, to the awkward, "I just won the science fair prize," speed walk off the stage after winning the Oscar, which, by the way, will lead to her sure fire demise.
You see she didn’t have to be a stripper to pay the bills.
She did it cause she wanted to be clever.
She didn't have to wear the vagina high leopard dress.
She wore it to fill the "cool" indie writer against conformity role.
She didn't have to release her nudie pics online.
She did it cause she's a douche and realized that her reputation was getting a bad rap cause she dissed Stuart Wiseman and won an Oscar which in turn labeled her a sell out.
Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on the chick.
So I will let Andy Samberg do it for me.
I love me some Andy.
I don't love me some Cody.
P.S. My post on Diablo Cody = meow.
**Photos provided by People and Just Jared
Moving on...
The season finale of Project Runway is this Wednesday.
What has been missed?
Crytardo got the boot.
Then he came back on the reunion show and looked like a complete and total asshole.
A PR viewer wrote in and asked why in the hell Crytardo cried like a freakin river.
Crytardo made some call about women crying all the time or whateves and I hoped that somehow, someway, Crytardo would implode.
Sweet Pea got the boot as well and I was happy.
She really needed to get the fuck out.
She whined and babied her way through every challenge and stressed me out during the process.
The woman has no backbone.
Until the reunion show where she basically told everyone how rad she was and how celebrities think she is the shit and I wished somehow, someway, Tim would cut the bitch.
And then there was Carmen.
Girlfriend was bummed cause no one missed her and everyone and their mom dissed her talent.
She cried a lot, made weird painful faces and gave Heidi lip.
I was hoping that somehow, someway Santiago would come out on the runway, throw some water on Carmen and watch as she cried that she was melting, melting..
Finally Victoroboticon.
This one is a piece of work.
All I have to say is what Heidi had to say, "Victorya is a little uptight, no?"
Christian won the fan favorite and $10,000.
Michael Knight brought the check out along with the 25 pounds he has gained since last season.
This week’s show was Part 1 of the finale.
Rami, Christian, Chris and Jillian were the finalist.
Until Chris showed Heidi, Michael Kors and Nina his collection of, "I make dresses for old ladies using velvet and human hair."
Come on Chris.
You needed to bring it and you brought Chico's.
So Rami, Jillian and Christian are headed to Bryant Park and the winner will be revealed next week...
That is all I have and I don't have anymore.
Until next time, peaces greases..
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